Building Strong Healthy Families

One of the most widely spread needs in the world today is Biblical wisdom on how to navigate family through all its different stages. It's this lack of knowledge that has caused pain and heartache in so many families. Maybe you're seeing your kids rebel from the Christian faith and values you raised them in and you don't understand why. Or maybe there's so much strife and conflict in your family, you've lost hope that you'll ever have healthy relationships.

Whatever the case may be, know that God can bring restoration to your family.

One of the top questions Leon and his wife Sally were often asked was how they raised five kids who serve God. The truth is, God has laid out principles in His Word that we are to live by in order to have the kind of family He designed and intends for us.

After God created the world, the next thing He designed was family. That's why it's crucial that we look to God's Word and learn how to do family right. Through the teaching in this course, you'll learn how to do family God's Way. As you apply the principles Leon teaches you from God's Word, you'll see God bring healing, restoration, peace and laughter to your home.

Throughout 31 different modules, Leon's teaching is going to mess with wrong beliefs, debunk religious thinking and help you discover the spiritual principles that will help you build a strong, healthy family.

You'll learn about things like:
  • how to correct your kids while building their true identity,  
  • how to raise your kids in a world that opposes our beliefs (LGBTQ, different religions, abortion, etc.), 
  • how to build the core values of your family (Church, God's Word, Finances, etc.)
  • what parenting looks like with adult children,
  • how to train and guard the heart of your child,
  • why it's important to move from authority to influence, and
  • how to teach your children about evil in the world.
If you want a family that leads for Christ in every area, this course is for you.

Imagine your family relentlessly pursuing God for generations to come. Imagine your children not just knowing the Word, but living it out as they passionately follow Jesus. Today is the day to start building your legacy. 

In this course, you'll get:
  • 31 modules of video teaching from Leon Fontaine,
  • a workbook walking you through each module with a spot to take notes,
  • bonus interviews with Leon and Dr. Kevin Leman (world-renowned psychologist),
  • PDF print-outs with promises to start declaring in faith over your family
As you go through this course, remember that learning and applying these principles isn't just about making your life easier day-to-day as a parent. There's a far bigger mandate here. It's about following Jesus and applying the principles in His Word so we can move from barely surviving to living with significance. When we have a strong, healthy family we can be united together as we work to advance God's Kingdom from generation to generation! It starts today.

Building Strong Healthy Families

One of the most widely spread needs in the world today is Biblical wisdom on how to navigate family through all its different stages. It's this lack of knowledge that has caused pain and heartache in so many families. Maybe you're seeing your kids rebel from the Christian faith and values you raised them in and you don't understand why. Or maybe there's so much strife and conflict in your family, you've lost hope that you'll ever have healthy relationships.

Whatever the case may be, know that God can bring restoration to your family.

One of the top questions Leon and his wife Sally were often asked was how they raised five kids who serve God. The truth is, God has laid out principles in His Word that we are to live by in order to have the kind of family He designed and intends for us.

After God created the world, the next thing He designed was family. That's why it's crucial that we look to God's Word and learn how to do family right. Through the teaching in this course, you'll learn how to do family God's Way. As you apply the principles Leon teaches you from God's Word, you'll see God bring healing, restoration, peace and laughter to your home.

Throughout 31 different modules, Leon's teaching is going to mess with wrong beliefs, debunk religious thinking and help you discover the spiritual principles that will help you build a strong, healthy family.

You'll learn about things like:
  • how to correct your kids while building their true identity,  
  • how to raise your kids in a world that opposes our beliefs (LGBTQ, different religions, abortion, etc.), 
  • how to build the core values of your family (Church, God's Word, Finances, etc.)
  • what parenting looks like with adult children,
  • how to train and guard the heart of your child,
  • why it's important to move from authority to influence, and
  • how to teach your children about evil in the world.
If you want a family that leads for Christ in every area, this course is for you.

Imagine your family relentlessly pursuing God for generations to come. Imagine your children not just knowing the Word, but living it out as they passionately follow Jesus. Today is the day to start building your legacy. 

In this course, you'll get:
  • 31 modules of video teaching from Leon Fontaine,
  • a workbook walking you through each module with a spot to take notes,
  • bonus interviews with Leon and Dr. Kevin Leman (world-renowned psychologist),
  • PDF print-outs with promises to start declaring in faith over your family
As you go through this course, remember that learning and applying these principles isn't just about making your life easier day-to-day as a parent. There's a far bigger mandate here. It's about following Jesus and applying the principles in His Word so we can move from barely surviving to living with significance. When we have a strong, healthy family we can be united together as we work to advance God's Kingdom from generation to generation! It starts today.

$50.00 CAD


50% Complete

Two Step

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